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The coast of Tenerife is the ideal place for novice and experienced divers to experience the beauty of this island. The great thing about diving is that all age groups and individuals with, or without disabilities, can take part in this activity, thanks to the wide range of dive centres which operate in Tenerife. The various dive sites offer you a wide range of diving experiences. Some of the amazing sights you will see when you dive here include underwater caves, volcanic rocks, marine life and ship wrecks.
To help you improve your diving skills, the local diving centres offer a wide range of PADI courses. As well as this, they provide all of the equipment you need, especially for those who are beginners, or don’t regularly dive. However, it’s a good idea to research your options and ensure that you’re being trained by fully qualified diving instructors, who have a lot of experience diving in the nearby diving sites.
Tenerife is now rated as one of the world’s premier diving destinations, with a large number of dive centres and dive sites to choose from. All of these diving centres and dive sites are within close proximity of each other. Most of these centres and sites are located on the west and south of the island. Various dive site depths are available, depending on your experience. The most interesting and popular sites include Los Chuchos, Palm-Mar Cave, Los Escolones, Coral Arch, Playa Paraiso, El Puertito, Twin Wrecks, Las Vistas, Palm Mar Wall, Palm Mar Roncadores, El Meridian, Barranco del Agua, El Condesito, Neptunes Cave, Roncadores del Faro and El Acuario.
When you visit the island of Tenerife in the Canaries, diving is one of the most popular and enjoyable activities available. For anyone booking a week in Tenerife, it’s one of those activities you should seriously consider. A large number of diving centres and tours are now available, making this activity available to all types of tourists. The islands natural and man-made features, make it a top class diving destination for both the young and old. Unlike many other places, Tenerife offers you a much wider variety of diving experiences and for suitable for divers with different diving experiences.